czwartek, 13 lipca 2023

Difficult choices ...

She knew that it was time for 'disapearing' ... as one of  person from 'Winner Team' she could do that. In each moment. The first idea which came to her mind was: "
" – Stay for some days and wait for reaction of Wizard ... "

... but that unexpecting time which she spent with Ted was ... yeah! It was a main reason of her decision, probably. He was so cute, kindly, gentle - in many aspects as she experienced during that crazy night. She felt suddenly that 'special feeling' inside her body. It was very pleasure memory. But!

She knew that they won't have chance create close relation. They belonged to different worlds. He didn't believe in "Magic", probably. He was ... 'only human' ... But! Maybe it was a good aspect?

"– Don't be silly! How long would you lilke to control him or to hide own power?" – she asked her soul but ... she knew the answer ... it was simplie .... She didn't want do that ... She respected him even if  ... Omg! Chosen memories and emotions were so hot.

She very liked his warm brown eyes. They were different than eyes of Magicians. His 'inside power' was suitable for her. Och! Yes! She knew that he was 'only'one of' humans from Earth but ... people had own energy too. Of course ... it was different of they - 'Magic Creatures" - but they had it still. She knew that. She felt it.

She was sure that she met really good person. He diserved for nice life. He should have kindly wife and children -  chance for 'Good Life'. She couldn't promise him that. She was almost sure that ... they couldn't future. Her thoughs and emotionas was moving around Wizard, still. She couldn't understand insinde feelings but ... He had something 'special'. For her  ... for sure ... more than of Ted.

She sighed deeply ... Chosen memories arrived to her head. Her family stories which she knew after reading "The Witch's Book". All from her 'lineage' had to know legends from past. It was like kind of lesson - for all. Their choices dependen of their knowledge. They had law to create own future if ... they were enough smart. Some of they could chance to change own life. If they got letter from Academy. She was like lucker.

Maybe that's why she decided to run away from that place. She dreamed of 'Magic'. She wanted to got diploma. She believed that one day she will be part of Academy - as Mentor. That good one. That one who care about own mentee ... or even? as worker of this institution.  She had some different 'visioms's. Not all appeared these suitable for her. But it was like only 'life experience'. She got them - in each project which she made with her team.

She suddenly had 'vison' ... They together ... But who could suitable partner for her? She didn't know still ... Future was a secret.

[ a piece ] = [ fragment ]

#piszęBoLubię      #różneTEKSTY     cykl: #Wiedźmy = Witches

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