I like to be among positive people => persons with good energy for me. Yesss .. i'm sure that we can feel it. Our bodies or souls know, when we feel nice and natural. So we - without work of our minds maybe ... - look for company these kindly humans. We try to stay close to them and enjoy these moments.
I have summer holiday but i won't leave Warsaw probably in this year for longer. It's not so bad because ... i have more time for my private projects. I can meet with my friends from SUNset Bulvar
Materiały promocyjne Zespołu SUNset Bulvar (strona na fb) |
Monika is rather like .. Business Lady .. She is connected with many women's clubs. I'm not surprised because Monika has lider's skills, knowledge, inside power and creativity, open-minded behaviour. I like and admire her strongs. I'm glad for her suggestions and motivation for sharing her knowledge about garden and home interior fittings. I really like some of products which she offers on her landpage called Kabardini.pl For example these lamps, lighths for umbrellas or artistic flower pots.
materiały foto: Kabardini.pl |
materiały foto: Kabardini.pl |
materiały foto: Kabardini.pl |
I hope that Monika will agreed to help me in one idea. I found very pleasant space in Warsaw. It's really great place with good public transport. It can be useful information .. ha, ha ... It's kind of magic space. Do you know why?
Przestrzeń z zacięciem kulturalnym |
In Warsaw => adress: al. Jana Pawła II 23 (Atrium) is space which ... from 11.30 am to 4:00 pm is kind of restaurant called "Lunch CAT". In reality it's catering business. You can order meals to yours offices. For yourself or yours workers.
But if you come here .. you can eat dinner, drink something warm, eat cake.
The weather in Warsaw yesterday wasn't so nice. Rain, cooler air. That's why i felt hungry probably. Luckily i could order something to eat. Cucumber soup and then .. in Polish "kopytka". Ach! Delicious meal. Seriously! Some of you know that ... i'm not fan of eating and cooking .. ha, ha .. so it's honest compliment for cook from restaurant.
Even if you arrive here later you can ask for soup or second meal. The owner - Mr Filip has a few cook so .. it's always chance that you not will be hungry if you come to restaurant #LUNCHcat after 4:00 pm. On evening that restaurant changes into club called "Sterta Scen". Mr Filip would like to create space for cultural events .. concerts, exhibitions, theathre shows, litteray meetings and many other different activities which will connect people. I think that it's great idea!
Similar to ours = SUNset Bulvar . We look for places for our concerts or events with our Artistic friends. That space #StertaSCEN looks very interesting as a place for our next concert in this year. We could invite many friends because it's really big space. And after show to sit among interiors and talk with friends, fans, new people ..
Ach! Interiors of that place ... It's rather simply. But it's good because we could to improve them a bit. With help from Monika 💖 ...
/ It was cool to see entusiasm my friend who was creating own vision for decorating that place./
Monika (in Polish, sorry .. lol):
„Ta przestrzeń jest fantastyczna, choć mam taki pomysł, aby rozświetlić ją od wewnątrz. Wprowadzić zarazem dużo pozytywnej energii za pomocą roślin. Ze swojej strony proponuję niebanalne rozwiązania. Przykładowo: niezwykłą formę podświetlanej donicy Asti, której nowoczesne kształty, świetnie współgrają z takimi roślinami jak: Sansevieria czy Zamioculcas. Tym pomysłem możemy subtelnie podświetlić wnętrze lokalu zachowując jego K L I M A T . Kolejna propozycja przyciągająca wzrok, do której możemy zasadzić kolorowe kwiaty to również Asti w cudownych kolorach które możemy dopasować zarówno do wnętrza, aby go ożywić lub na zewnątrz z kwiatami zachęcającymi do wejścia i ROZGOSZCZENIA SIĘ A takim może dopełnieniem stylizacji, byłyby cudowne girlandy solarne, które możemy zawiesić na parasolach. Z pewnością stworzą magiczny klimat podczas wieczorów przy MUZYCE „
... or my other friend named Dorota. She is an Artist => Painter mostly but .. she has some other powers of creating. Sorry, Fellows but i can't tell you everything what i know. I respect secrets of my friends and i like surpises.
foto: materiały własne Artystki - "Sorbet"; olej, 2019 |
foto: materiały własne Artystki - "Iluzja"; 2020 |
I can tell you that:
It was amazing time among friendly energy from Women. That photo made by Mr Filip will be my private treasure from today.
If you will be in Warsaw at nearest weekend you can go to #STREFAscen for two different events:
=> SATURDAY's Debiut BLUES'a
=> SUNDAY's Impro = Improwizowany WIECZÓR KOMEDIOWY
foto: materiały z fanpage'a #STREFAscen
... about my Crazy and Amazing Friends with Great Pleasure .. ha, ha ..
Buziole i zaczynamy :)