I think that each of us has own dreams. These which can be only shadows from our sleepy time and the others => to make them real.
"Happy those who dream but know when they shoul wake up to make their dreams reality .." - it's one of my favourite sentence.
Some years ago i dreamed about own space for writing. It was time when i wrote poems mostly. It was kind of my exercise with own emotions, maybe? I don't have technical skills unfortunately. So my dream was difficult for make it reality but ...
"If you really want something, Paula ... even bare walls will help you to reach yours goal." - said many years ago my first mentor. I believed him. I checked it on my own. I have third blog. It's a special space for me because i created it by own from the begining. I like to arrive here. Sometimes i love to hide among sentences, words, leters. So .. time to my next story ...
I invite you to my place 😎
Saturday with date 8.05.2021 was changing mood like i sometimes. Some nice sun, blue sky, white friendly clouds. And suddenly! strong wind, grey clouds which were stopping rays of sun, rain. Really strange weather with some degrees of warm only. But i didn't want to spend next almost all day at home. So I decided for short walk by my neighbourhood. Enjoy with me these moments please ... even if i'm not good phothographer .. ha, ha, ha ..
Great sun was invitating for leaving home. It was going to be lazy day with no rush. I was starring at one of my favourite color and was thinking about different trip than yesterday. My phone showed me twenty one degree. It was really great surprise after strange saturday's weather. It should use good moments like these and more of free time. And it's good to move more. That's why i decided to jump on my bike and make trip on Warsaw. You can believe me .. the same idea had many others people .. ha, ha, ha ..
During my journey on two circle i remembered about one nice place in my city. It called "Kępa Potocka" and it's big park with some kind of pond. I spended there some very pleasant moments. Some of them i stopped on photos. Here they are ...
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