piątek, 5 listopada 2021

Who is ... VAKHO ?

Yes, that's true. I love books from a child and even if i'm more older now, they are still important for me. I wrote some time ago that i currently prefer these which can bring me some relax and laugh. In generally i could say  - "common literature" mostly.
When i got propose from Publishing House called #WydawnictwoNowoCzesne of taking care as a Media Partner on book titled in Polish: "VAKHO. Wilcze szczenię" i was wondering again. I was watching at received information and i couldn't decide. From one side i was seriously curious. From the other .. thoughts about terryfiing aspect of wars - even if it's historical for me time luckily - was a bit scarrying me. I heard so much about cruelty the Bolsheviks. I had to make choice. Curiousity won .. ha, ha .. and you know .. i don't regret my decision.

It was incredible time for me. I don't remember situation when from the begining of reading i felt like hero of story. Suddenly i changed into young man named Janek. I observed as him what was happening with people from country side when the Bolsheviks arrived. I've still have some 'goose bumps" when i remember some of describtions. It's so hard to believe that people can be so wild .. worse than animals because they do it with full of awareness and cruely pleasure.
Part of text - sorry in Polish only but .. that book was published in US market too - title: "VAKHO. The wolf's cub", so you can read that, friends from world 😉

"Patrzył, nie dowierzając zmysłom. To nie był sen, zwidy czy bajania starego gawędziarza przy ognisku, ani też jedna z wielu przerażających opowieści dziadka o wyczynach Moskali po powstaniu czy stryja Vakhtanga o walkach na Kaukazie (...) Kilka chat płonęło. Po całej wsi szwendali się pijani sołdaci, szukając zaczepek z chłopami, wpadając do chat, wyciągając z nich przerażone kobiety i zmuszając je, aby z nimi piły, tańczyły i swawoliły (...) Kilku pijanych ciągnęło broniącą się i wołającą o pomoc Hapkę (...) Czwarty z kompanii poluźnił troki swych spodni, demonstracyjnie je opuścił i przy wtórze kpin pozostałych kompanów legł na niej (...) Trzymali mocno, a gdy zaczęła wyć jak potępiona, wcisnęli jej w usta bluzkę (...) Gdy kolejka skończyła się, rozpoczęli od początku (...) Gdy nadal nie reagowała, wyciągnął wolno z kabury Mausera i jak gdyby nic, bez żadnego wahania, strzelił jej między piersi, co wywołało kolejną salwę szyderczego śmiechu pozostałych (...)"

These horrible decribtions of chosen 'activities' of soldiers are several in that book later too, but .. luckily they are not so many and not so scaring. The story of changing young boy to responsible man are very exiting. His inside fight with fear, feeling of lonelyness, awakening courage and need to taking care not only of his life is described in amazing way. I was him and tried to survive in winter time, to find food, safe place in forest where lived real dangerous animals like bears or boars. I was worry about (his) family and friends. I fighted and i killed first time to save own life and close to me people. At last i became a lider who recruited others to own wolf's team to fight with enemy. I tried to think solutions for saving lifes different persons who mostly were simple humans and had Polish, Ukraine and Russian roots. I leaded war activities, learnt to live in currently place even if it was so terryfing ...

Text is so interesting written that historical facts, names of unknown for each of us liders of army are not tiring. It's seriously amazing book full of surprising moments and keeping in some stress. And ... it's wonderful example that .. we can be more brave and smart than we think.

I recomend you that book. It's worth yours time to know situation which was our past. We in Poland remember time when we didn't have own country and had to fight for our language, culture, freedom of own opinion. I'm very curious future of Janek. We "broke up" our relation in such exiting moment  - before famous Warsaw's Battle of 1920.

If you want to have that book, look HERE 😊
I will have kind of contest soon so you can got one publish for yourself.

Some important informations:

Title: "Vakho. Wilcze szczenię".
Author: Marek Boszko Rudnicki
Wydawnictwo NowoCzesne 2021 

pic from: Wydawnictwo NowoCzesne

2 komentarze:

  1. Odpowiedzi
    1. Monic ... Thanks!Yours words have cool Energy for me .. yeap! #Friendship has it too .. I'm so happy that You are ... #poSłonecznejStronieMocy .. ha, ha .. #wKONTAKcie ;)
